Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Archetypes in Celtic Mythology

Cultural Dictionary
archetype: An original model after which other similar things are patterned. In the psychology of Carl Jung, archetypes are the images, patterns, and symbols that rise out of the collective unconscious and appear in dreams, mythology, and fairy tales.

Elite Irish families used animal symbolism on their Coats of Arms. Pubs often took their names from animals renowned for their strength. Today, Irish coins are minted with animal symbols such as peacocks, salmon, and stags on their faces. Groundhog Day first arose from Imbolc -- the ancient Celtic celebration of the world awakening from its winter slumber.
Celtic animal symbols took a myriad of forms and meaning. The graceful curves of the crane. The stalwart might of the bull. The slow, coiled menace of the snake. The early Celts believed the animals arose from the fantastic otherworld when come the elves and fairies.

With their feats of flying, swimming, phenomenal speed, keen sight and smell, and great strength, these messengers of the gods seemed beyond the power of man.

"Fantasy-ireland".Emeral Streams.2004-2008.31 October 2010.< symbol.html/

"Archetype". Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 24 November 2010. <Dictionary.com>.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Sea Animals and More...

The Swan

Representing the fairy world, bards, solar dieties, true beauty, confidence, power of self, grace, love, and soul.
The Swan is the Celtic birthsign from September 2nd to Sept. 29th. Those born under this sign are often kind, gentle, loving, calm, serene, creative, and have a connection to the Fae. Their birthstone is the emerald.

The Goose

Representing fidelity, direction, stamina, bloodshed, skill, prophetic knowledge, the sacred circle, productive power, vigilance, storytelling, symbols of eight , infinity, travel to distant places, luck, and fertility.
Celtic Birth Sign from September 30th to October 27th, and associated with the Celtic Tree Birth sign of Ivy.


The salmon was the symbol of all knowledge.
These creatures that swam the rivers and oceans were also linked to sacred ancient mysteries and deep emotion.


The ouzel was known for being a small but tenacious protector of itself and its flock.


The heron, because it mated for life, was often used on Celtic wedding bands.

''New Bedford Cuups Newsletter''.Animal Lore. 30 October 2010.<>

''Fantasy-ireland''.Emerald Streams.2004-2008. 31 October 2010. <

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Air Animal Symbols

Birds are one of the most complex groups of the Celtic animal symbols.With the wide variety of birds that can be seen, the meaning is often wrapped up in the particular type of bird.
To understand the birds as Celtic animal symbols, one must understand the characteristics of each particular bird.


The crow was associated with death.


The raven also called forth the idea of death, but was also used by the Druids in augury, and flew over Celtic battlefields as a god incarnate.


The fearsome, glowering eagle was associated with both nobility and death.


The peacock was a symbol of purity


Thanks to several myths of heroic figures or deities being turned into cranes, these birds came to represent an apparent, but not real change and are often called for as signs of punishment for deception.

The key words associated with the Owl are Wisdom, Change, and Detachment.
The Owl is one of the animals associated with magic, heightened senses, and intuition. It is the aspect of the Crone, and one of the animals connected with Merlin. It has long been a symbol of wisdom, and also of death.

''Fantsy-ireland''.Emerald Streams.2004-2008.31 October 2010.<

''New Bedford Cuups Newsletter''. Celtic Animal Lore. 30 October 2010.<

Land Animals Symbol

Snakes and Serpents


The snake was a complex Celtic animal symbol calling forth many ideas to the Celts. Representing the process of creation, rebirth, fertility, and healing. Serpents also represented the connection between the rivers and seas as well as the Heavens and Earth.
The snake both protected the entrance to the otherworld and acted as the gods' companion. ouroboros, the Earth Serpent represented the coiled energy within the Earth and, with her tail in her mouth, infinity. Thanks to the annual shedding of its skin, the snake was the Celtic animal symbolizing the cyclical nature of life.

The Bear

Symbolizing gentleness, strength, dreaming, introspection, primal power, protection, healing, sovereignty, intuition married with Instinct, nurturing, and protecting. A
bear’s paw symbolizes power, direction, and connection to the creator.
The Bear was once a native to the Celtic Isles, but are now extinct from them. They had been found in many Celtic designs, and they seemed to be one of the first animals to be honored and revered.


Horses are the most common animal symbols used by Celtic noblemen in battle. These companions of the gods were known for their beauty, speed, vitality, and fertility.
Horses were Celtic animals symbolizing development, healing, rejuvenation, and life in motion.Horses were linked to the night, mystery, and magic.
Horses were frequently sacrificed, yet highly adored by the Celts for their intimate relationship with the land.


The stag was particularly associated with Cernnunos, the horned god of nature and hunting. The doe was the totem of most woodland goddesses, such as Saba and Flidais.
This Celtic animal symbol was used to represent fertility, abundance, and renewal. The antlers were often associated with trees and the sowing and harvesting of grain.

The Cow

Symbolizing contentedness, defending the inner child, providing for daility needs, hope (red cow), nourishment, power of earth, motherhood, procreation, gentleness, and nurturing

The Wolf

Symbolizing loyalty, success, perseverance, stability, thought, pathfinder, teacher, intuition, learning, guide to the sacred, The full moon, twilight, transformation, protection, psychic energy, communication, generosity, friendliness, Compassion, searching, dreams, death and rebirth.

'Fantasy-ireland''.Emerald Streams.2004-2008.13 October 2010.<

''New Bedford Cuups Newsletter''.Celric Animal Lore. 30 October 2010. <http://

Friday, November 12, 2010

Why Animals in Celtic Mythology?

Do you have pet? well my pet is a dog and I love dogs, that is the reason I selected animals in Celtic myths. About this topic I also find interesting the way the "Celts" honor animals because these creatures have a symbolic meaning for them.

The following information is a brief background about the Celts:
Celts looked to the beasts of the earth , sky, and the sea to find teachers, friends, and healers, Along with this fascination and almost worship of animal symbol, the Celts revered Nature itself, be in form of plants, animals, or elements.

They believed the animals were there to teach them how to live in harmony with Nature itself. Through the animals symbols, the Celts sought to commune with both the seen and the unseen.

''Fantasy-Ireland''.Emerald Streams.2004-2008. 31 October 2010.<