Friday, November 12, 2010

Why Animals in Celtic Mythology?

Do you have pet? well my pet is a dog and I love dogs, that is the reason I selected animals in Celtic myths. About this topic I also find interesting the way the "Celts" honor animals because these creatures have a symbolic meaning for them.

The following information is a brief background about the Celts:
Celts looked to the beasts of the earth , sky, and the sea to find teachers, friends, and healers, Along with this fascination and almost worship of animal symbol, the Celts revered Nature itself, be in form of plants, animals, or elements.

They believed the animals were there to teach them how to live in harmony with Nature itself. Through the animals symbols, the Celts sought to commune with both the seen and the unseen.

''Fantasy-Ireland''.Emerald Streams.2004-2008. 31 October 2010.<

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